Cooking Tips

10 Tips for Good Grilling

Posted on September 6, 2011. Filed under: Cooking Tips | Tags: , , , , , , |

whenther your grill is fueled by electricity, gas, or good old charcoal briquettes, here are 10 tips to increase your fish-grilling prowess.

10 Tips for Good Grilling10 Tips for Good Grilling


1. Clean the grill rack of any encrusted food

2. Noisten a cloth with vegetable oil, and rub it on the grill rack just before heating the grill

3. Preheat the rack 4 to 5 inches above the coals or heating element 15 minutes before cooking.

4. Dry the fish fillets with paper towels, then lightly rub or spray with oil before placing them on the grill.

5. In general, grill fish fillets over a medium hot fire so they will brown while cooking through. Remember that fillets marinated in or brushed with soy sauce, honey, or other sweet ingredients tend to burn. Cook them over a lower flame, or brown them, then move the fillets to a cooler section to finish cooking.

6. Grill fillets flesh side down first ( with the exception of snapper fillets, which curl when turned) to creat a golden-brown surface for serving.

7. To avoid sticking and tearing, brown and lightly crust the fillets before moving them.

8. If you like a smoky flavor, cover the grill while cooking so that the smoke penetrates the fillets.

9. Cooking time is determined by the thickness of the fillet at its thickest point and the intensity of the fire. A 1/2″ to 3/4″ thick fillet will be done in 5 to 8 minutes.

10. If a fillet is translucent when cut into at its thickest part, it’s not done. If it is opaque, it is done.

Alternative Fish Choices

If a grilling recipe calls for red snapper or tuna fillets but there are none to be found in the market, don’t fret. With so many fish in the sea, you can substitute easily.

RED SNAPPER : Bass, Catfish, Cod or Scrod ( or similar fish such as hake and haddock), Flounder or Sole, Grouper, Halibut, Monkfish, Orange Roughy, Perch, Trout

SALMON : Arctic Char, mahi mahi, Shad, Steelhead, Tuna

TUNA : Arctic, mahi mahi, Pompano, Salmon, Shad, Trout

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